
  • Electronics Device Manufacturer For B2B & B2C.
  • Electronics Project / Prototype Maker & Trainer.
  • Upto 3 Years Warranty (*T&C Applied).
  • Made in India Product & Indian Research Center.

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Technology in Touch

Grow With Us

  • No Extracharges for R&D on Bulk order
  • Expertise in Embedded Systems, IoT, Automation & AI
  • Cost-effective PCB less technology
  • Medical Electronics, Consumer Electronics, & Software
  • Strategic use of cost-effective Hybrid IC, MCUs & SoCs
  • Cost-effective solutions without compromising efficiency
  • Committed to excellence through ongoing R&D
  • At the forefront of technological innovation
  • Industry standards with cost-effective solutions
  • Before order free consult service & after sale service

Our Innovation

R&D, Products, Software & firmware fully made by us

Comming Soon
For: Medical/ Scientiest expart Use

Human stress relief device

This is a human stress relief device using to reduce Stress, Tension, Anxiety etc.

Date: Announce soon   Version: rev1.0
Already Launched
For: Domestic Use

Water Pump Overflow AutoCut Controller

This is a water pump controller to stop the pump when the tank become filled by water

Date: 23th August 2023   Version: rev1.1
Already Launched
For: Domestic Use

Mayika Security Universal Controller

This is a universal electrical controller to control the high-power equipment by Internet/Offline mode. This device mainly using on the door lock

Date: 30th June 2023   Version: rev1.1

Our Manufacturing Process

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Best service to make any Electronics products for personal use and it is unbelievable they give me two years manufacturing warranty!

Rupak Kundu
Nagpur, Maharastra

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Certificate in Touch


Note* : Our Maximum Electronics Spare Parts and Engineering Tools are come under these certification. Some Whole Products, Electronics Spare Parts & Tools are not come under these certification.
Please Verify the products details very carefully before purchase. For more information mail on inventoai@outlook.com

Our Teams


Arghyadeep Debnath

CEO & Founder

Electronics Engineer


Himadri Shekhar Das

Production Engineer

Electronics Engineer


Manash Das

Software Developer

Electronics Engineer


Purbayan Palit

Production Engineer

Electrical Engineer


Amrita Ray

Medical Advicer




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