Water Pump Overflow Auto Cut Controller REV1.1

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For: Domestic Use

Water Pump Overflow Auto Cut Controller

Version: rev1.1

Water Pump overflow controller. It has automatic turn off motor Mechanism when tank become full. It has dust proof technology.

₹499.00  ₹649.00 
23% OFF

Highlighted Specs:

Auto off only
Zero Watt Idle Load
Upto 2HP
2 Years Warranty

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Product specification:

  • Features: Auto off features only.
  • Idle: Zero watt idle load condition
  • Wattage: Maximum 2HP, 1Φ motor supported (1500Watt approx)
  • Warranty: 2 Years Manufacturing warranty
  • Operating Voltage rating: 200V to 250V AC 50Hz(+-5)
  • Waterproof: No
  • Rainproof: No
  • Dustproof: Yes
  • Sensor Voltage: 0.8V DC
  • Inbuilt Battery: No.
  • Wifi: No
  • Remote Access: No
  • Display: No
  • Indication LED: Yes
  • Inbuilt MCB: No
  • Based On: Inv ANG Controller
  • Water Tank Capacity: Unlimited
  • Sensor Wire Resitence: 1KΩ Max recomended
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    Warranty support:

  • Duration: 2 Years warranty support
  • Warranty covered: Module only
  • Warranty Type: Repair / Replace
  • INM Modification: No
  • Registratio Type: Online support
  • Warranty Information: Inside User Manual
  • Warranty process: Pickup-Drop
  • Honest Reviews & Query:

    Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐


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